Tuesday, September 17, 2013

All Natural Remedies for Itchy Scalp

Now that we've accepted that we could be the cause of our itchy scalp problem, we can now look at ways we could solve this problem and prevent public embarrasment.

If you happen to experience itchy scalp even though you don't fall under any of the 6 categories mentioned in the last post, you can still rid your head of this problem through simple and cost effective means. Like some of you, I too experience itchy scalp even though my scalp is visibly clean and I've just washed it only a few days prior.

So what should one do to solve this problem?

Below, I've listed easy all natural remedies which I've used myself and they worked.

A. Dirty Scalp
If you co-wash (only use conditioner to wash hair), you will still need to cleanse your scalp at least once a month. Conditioners cannot remove all the dirt, heavy ingredients (i.e silicones, petrolatum) and product build up which shampoos can. So you can either cleanse with a good shampoo or exfoliate with a brown sugar scrub
Brown sugar+oil

1. Cleanse your scalp with a good shampoo, for a list of the different types of shampoos to use, check out this post.

2. Exfoliate with brown sugar
 Recipe: Simply mix about 2TBSP brown sugar and 1tbsp olive oil/castor oil/coconut oil together and apply directly on the scalp, massaging the mixture in a circular motion. You can either choose one oil or all three for added benefits.
* These two cleansing methods will be able to rid the scalp of the dirt which clogs the follicles, restricting air and moisture from getting through.

                                         B. Irritation due to dryness

3. Apply an anti-itch scalp oil
I have quite a few recipes, but I'll just share a basic recipe for an anti-itch oil. The exact amount and selection of oils will be determined by what you have on hand and what is easily accessible to you.
Anti-itch scalp oil recipe: extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO), castor oil, few drops peppermint oil, and few drops tea tree oil. These oils have anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties which are able to kill fungus and soothe the scalp.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) soak/rinse

ACV rinse recipe: After you've cleansed your hair with shampoo and have deep conditioned, you can choose to do an ACV rinse to added benefits. This is when you combine one part ACV with three parts lukewarm water and you pour it on your head, massaging the scalp while you do so. Wait for a while and then rinse off with cool water to close hair cuticles.

ACV soak recipe: not sure if this term exists elsewhere, but I tried this method just last week and it worked. I simply combined 1tbsp ACV, 3TBSP water and a little bit of my anti-itch oil in a spray bottle. I then spritz it on my scalp, massaged the mixture in and let it dry.

Have you tried one or more of these remedies? what were your results?
If you havent tried them yet, I recommend you do, and remember to come back to share your results with us.


  1. Thank you so much for this post Mane Captain. Its very informative and timely for me personally. I had almost given up on itchy scalp/dandruff cos i faced the same problem when my hair was relaxed.

    I'll definitely try out the brown sugar exfoliation and try the AVC recipe.


    1. please do and come back to let us know your results. also, I forgot to mention that the scrub has to be washed off and should be done prior to shampooing. will include all the details in the separate posts i mentioned.

  2. I've tried to exfoliate with brown sugar a few times however, it tangles my hair.

    As needed I spray Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water on my scalp (use soft bristle toothbrush to massage/exfoliate my scalp) then I apply a shampoo. Rinse out, condition and style. This has helped TREMENDOUSLY.


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