Monday, September 30, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne

ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar
Do you have Acne, Bacne (back acne), and other sorts of acne? Have you tried all sorts of products on the market but nothing seems to work? Are you fed up with wasting your money on over the counter products, expensive prescription creams and everything else your friends, family, strangers, and doctors have all prescribed?

Well, have you given Apple Cider Vinegar a chance yet? If not, then you need to run to your nearest grocery store after reading this post to get yourself a bottle! 

Apple cider vinegar tonerBenefits of ACV for the skin
ACV is a bottle of wonder with awesome health benefits which are good for our skin, hair and body. But since this post is on skincare, I will only be focusing on the skin benefits of ACV.

ACV has Malic and lactic acids with antibacterial and antifungal properties which helps to soften and exfoliate the skin, reduce red marks, treat acne and ultimately help prevent skin infections. ACV also removes excess oil from the skin, act as a facial toner and help balance your skin's pH level.

How to 
- combine 1 part ACV, 1 part water into a small container, 
- pour onto a cotton swab and apply on your face, back or any affected area. Make sure your face/skin is free of make up or dirt
**Please keep in mind that this mixture will sting a little bit, a bit more if there's a cut on the face.
- let it air dry
- you can apply Shea butter afterwards to help remove scars and spots that will be left behind by the acne
- for speedy results, apply mixture on skin twice a day
* It's best to do a patch test with the mixture by applying it on a small part of your skin to see how your skin reacts to it. Also, those with sensitive skin can add more water to reduce the acidity level of ACV in the mixture. 

You should start seeing results within a week.


  1. I've been trying to drink ACV on a daily basis bc there are so many benefits. Never tried it directly on my skin though. Something to consider.

  2. I just finished my first bottle of ACV. It has become a staple in my routine.


  3. I've just ordered (like right this, hope it helps my acne and belly fat.I have suffered acne for as long as I can remember and I've got very very stubborn belly fat. I'll hold you responsible (just kidding) if it doesn't work. :-P

  4. I don't like the taste of ACV. So I mostly use it on my skin & hair. To reduce belly fat, I suggest you exercise (crunches, squats etc) and eat healthier.
    I can guarantee that ACV WILL work for you! It dealt with the bacne I was carrying around for months in less than a week! I only seldomly use it now once I start seeing bumps on my back. I'm always surprised by the FAST results.

    1. Just got mine yesterday. Doesn't taste too bad.

    2. please come back to share your "testimony"

  5. Okay siss am gunna try this for my own acne :D i cant wait to see the results after a week. can i use just the solution without adding water?


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