Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lemon/Lime | An All Natural Deodorant

Lemon and Lime, great multipurpose fruits
In search of a deodorant that doesn't leave any white residue on my underarm or makes them feel sticky, I stumbled upon these great citrus fruits as a healthy alternative.

Lemon/Lime: I first found out about the great benefits of lemon juice as a deodorant,  but since I was out of lemon after about two weeks of trying it, I decided to try the lime I had in the fridge. As predicted, I got the exact same results with both fruits.

Why these fruits are so awesome
As we all know, lemon and lime have numerous benefits which are great for our skin and body. Not only this, they are also used in cleaning and deodorizing products. Did I mention that they make tasty drinks and yummy eats? I guess it's easy to say that these two fruits are super fruits which are both great for us and the environment, and also one of God's greatest food gift to mankind.

Benefits of lemon and lime juice for our underarm
The citric acid in lemon and lime juice is strong enough to kill odor causing bacteria under there. The pH level of these citrus fruits is around 2.0 while the pH level of our skin is anywhere between 4.0-5.5. The high acidity of these fruits makes it intolerable for odor causing bacteria to thrive in such unfavorable condition.
As lemon is a great skin toner, long term use of it will help even the skin tone and even lighten the dark spots which your chemically produced commercial deodorant created.

I have been using these fruits as my main deodorant for the past two months and I'm always amazed by the superior results I get over my scented Dove or Secrets deodorant.

How to use lemon/lime juice as a deodorant  
- Cut a lemon or lime fruit into about 6-8 wedges, store left overs in an air tight container in the fridge
- Rub a lemon or lime wedge on your underarm after washing it in the shower. The juice in the fruit must be squeezed and massaged in to be effective. You can use more than one wedge if you needed
- Wait a few seconds to allow the juice to work its way in before rinsing off
- To moisturized your underarms, apply some Shea butter and you're set for a refreshing day

*You'll get the best results on shaved underarms and with fresh fruits.*

Caution: Please do not use lemon on freshly shaved underarm or if you have a cut or open wound/bruise on your skin. 

Have you tried these fruits as a deodorant? If not, I urge you to try it today and come back to share your results with us.


  1. Yes i used lime for a period beacuase i sweat a lot,and it worked.and i'm back to my deodorants

  2. its so true!!! i recently started using lemon to clear my under are which became very dark because of shaving and chemicals in deodorant. i truly agree that its one of the gifts that nature gave us.

  3. It can be hard sticking to only because you always have to remember to bring it with you into the shower. I especially live the fact that my shirt doesn't get stained from the white residue in the deodorant, neither does it feel sticky from clear gel deodorants.


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