Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Want flawless face? Only cleanse at night NOT in the morning and night

According to an article in the Health and Beauty section in the Wall Street Journal, Dermatologists and beauty experts both concluded that a majority of us are not washing our face properly.
With the variety of facial cleansers on store shelves these days that recommend using them twice a day for best results, it's very easy for consumers to assume that a healthy clear skin can only be achieved through frequent deep cleansing. However, Dermatologist Dr. Patricia Farris at the American Academy of Dermatology says that a squeaky clean face is too aggressive because over cleansing the face will result in drier skin as we age.

But I have acne, I have to cleanse more than once a day!
Dr. Kator Rodan, a dermatologist and co-founder of Proactiv says that you can't wash the acne off your face, so there's no need to cleanse three times a day. Besides, many acne cleansers deposit a treatment product such as salicylic acid to kill acne causing bacteria and absorb excess oil.

Why should we wash our face at night and not in the morning?
Dermatologists recommend washing our face at night to remove dirt, grime and other pollutants that have gathered on our skin during the day. And for us ladies, we have to cleanse at night to remove makeup. Unless you have acne or other skin issue, you can just skip the soap in the morning and only rinse your face with water. Also, Dr. Gervaise Gerstner, a Manhattan dermatologist and consultant for L'Oreal Paris also find morning cleansing unnecessary by saying that "your skin has just slept on a pillow, it is clean, it doesn't need to be washed"!
Early Winter 2013

What I do - My Face Care Regimen
I have actually been practicing this method in the past few weeks after writing this post on the Oil Cleansing Method. I would wash my face with black soap when I get home at night or I might only do the OCM if I wore make up that day. And in the morning, I would either rub a lemon/lime wedge on my face as a facial toner or I would use a drop or two of my black soap to cleanse. I always make sure that the soap is very minimal and will not foam up, as my face doesn't need to be cleansed again after a few hours. I have to admit that not washing my face in the morning is still foreign, but I do hope to completely eliminate soap in the morning sometime in the near future.

How many times in a day do you wash your face? Do you wash in the morning as well? What is your morning and night regimen for your face?

*To read the article in its entirety, go here


  1. i take my bath twice a day so washing my face is inclusive, twice a day...after that I apply toner. I need to get back to using a cleanser though

    1. The soap you use when you take your shower is enough as a cleanser. Since you live in a hot climate, I understand why you need to cleanse daily as some people tend to sweat in their sleep. But if you live in a cool climate or sleep with the AC, then you can just rinse your face in the morning.
      It's an unusual practice for many and I don't expect people to pick up the habit quickly.

    2. **i mean cleanse twice daily**

  2. Very interesting about not cleansing twice a day. Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving a comment. The costume pieces were brought at salvation army, and then the white apron and white vest was a diy out of two shirts we got there. The black skirt also from there, and the black dress shirt was found in my sister's closet.


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