Friday, November 8, 2013

Teaching Your Kids How to Do their Natural Hair

By DiscoveringNatural

When I was a little girl, I did not know anything about caring for my hair. Even when I went to boarding school in Nigeria, I relied on other people to braid my hair in the "acceptable"  style. Some days, it was hard to find someone. I want my children to not have to depend on others to get their hair done.

When it comes to taking care of Natural Hair, there are some skills that you should know.
(1) How to wash your hair
(2) How to maintain your hair
(3) How to style your hair

You as a mother or caregiver to a child, probably knows how to do these, however, are you Passing on these skills to your children?

I am always a future-thinking. It is not that I don't live in the present, but I always want to think at least one step ahead. That is why this summer, my motherly goal is to make sure that at least Big Sis (8 years old) knows how to cornrow. 

It is important to me to not only teach her and her sister how to love their natural hair, know what is good for their hair, but also how to care for their hair.

I have not been a big salon-goer, and more or less a DIY person when it comes to my hair. This has saved me lots of money, yes! but also the appreciation for what God has given me, this lovely sometimes temperamental head of hair.

How to Start
We started off by learning how to twist. Lil Sis was able to master this at 4 years old, while Big Sis struggled a little with the concept. 

Somewhere in this video, Lil Sis (then 4 years old twists her hair

After the two strands twists was mastered by both girls, we worked on braids (three strands).

By using a chair and three ribbons, Big Sis was able to master how to do individual braids. You can also use this method for learning how to twist.

Using the same concept, I tied three strands of Marley Braid Hair onto the chair, and she was able to practice with using hair instead of ribbons. Since, hair can get tangles, this helped her to work through those tangles.

Are you passing on the skills to your child?

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