Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Toronto Meet Up: Mystery Whipped Shea Butter Giveaway Recipe, Tub 1-14

14 tubs in total!
As promised, the ingredients for the whipped shea buttter are:

#1-4: Lavender whipped shea
Raw African shea butter, castor oil, extra virgin coconut oil, olive oil, lavender essentail oil

#5-7: Lemon grass whipped shea
Raw African shea butter, castor oil, extra virgin coconut oil, olive oil, lemon grass essential oil

#8-11: Eucalyptus whipped shea
Raw African shea butter, castor oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil, eucalyptus essential oil

#12: Minty whipped shea
Raw African shea butter, castor oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil, eucalyptus essential oil, peppermint essential oil

#13-14: Lemon grass-lavender whipped shea
Raw African shea butter, castor oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil, lemon grass and lavender essential oil

So, the basic ingredients are pretty much shea butter, carrier oils and essential oils
softened butter first

To find out how to make whipped shea butter, please click here to be directed to an old post which gves a step by step instruction on how you can make yours.

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