Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) for flawless skin

What's an oil cleasing method (OCM)?
It is a type of facial cleansing in which natural, plant derived oils are used in place of soap cleansers to rid the skin of dirt, make-up and other impurities that often accumulates on our faces over the course of the day.

Dangers of commercial cleansers
Many facial cleansers such as Neutrogena, Clean & Clear and Proactiv are packed with harsh chemicals which often leaves the skin tight, dry and stripped of moisture after use. This dryness not only opens doors to many skin irritations, more acne, eczema and psoriasis, it also results in an uncontrollable oily skin. This is because the oil producing glands on our face would produce exessive oil to compensate for those lost to soap, thus the cycle goes on.

The thing is, our skin has to produce oil to help lubricate, heal, protect and moisturize it's surfaces. Fighting against this natural occurence with harsh soaps and chemicals disrupts this natural process which could lead to more skin issues. But if we work with our skin instead of working against it, the results would be a properly functioning skin which is beautiful, clear and glowing. In other words, clear skin is indeed possible and attainable, but you'll have to work with your skin and not fight with it. I'm sure you're probably thinking, "no wonder expensive commercial products never worked for me and even left my skin worse off"

How does an OCM work?
Those of us who took chemistry or cook would know that oil dissolves oil. This means that when oil is applied on the skin, it will bind on oily make-up and dirt, dissolving any hardened oil which often clogs up the pores. The steam from the facial cloth will open the pores to allow dirty oil to be easily removed and for fresh beneficial ones to be applied. 

Benefits of OCM
OCM can clear the skin of issues such as oily, dry or sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and other problems caused by acne. It will also leave the skin healthy, balanced and properly moisturized. 
Oils to use and thier benefits 
Oils such as olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower, grapessed, coconut oil, and castor oil have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which can break down the hardened oils in the pores and gently cleanse the most sensitive of skins, leaving it refreshed and moisturized. 
How to do the OCM in 5 steps

Step 1: Combine 3 parts Olive oil to 1 part Castor Oil or any oil combination of choice in a container and mix together. I make this batch to last me for a few uses.

Step 2: Pour a bit of the oil onto a cotton puff and use it to wipe off any dirt or makeup. Be careful when removing mascara, close your eyes tightly and gently wipe it off your eye lashes so that the mascara doesn't get into your eyes and be burning.

Step 3: Apply a small amount of the oil mixture all over your face and use the pads on your fingers to massage it in a circular motion.

Continue to do this for about 2 minutes, making sure the oil goes deep into your pores to unclog and remove any impurities. The warm sensation from the massage will also melt any hardened oils, make up and dirt in the pores.                                                                             
Wipe your hands and leave the oil on your face for about 5 minutes or more so that nature can do its work.


Step 4: Soak a face towel in warm water, sqeeze out the water and apply steamed towel on face. Let the steam go deep into your pores to further melt and extract dirt. When towel has cooled down, use it to wipe off the oil from your face. You can repeat this step two or three times. 

 Face will be left silky smooth and clean without feeling tight, dry or stripped.

Step 5:  Apply a small amount of the oil mixture over the face for moisturizing and to help regulate the skin's oil production so that it doesn't produce the extra oil it normally would when washed with soap.

Note: The OCM can be done as frequently as needed, I do mine almost every night and my face feels smooth for more than 24hours. I also noticed that my skin was no longer oily after a week and half of doing the OCM.
You have to do this consistenty to notice a difference and avoid using conflicting drug store products. Also, your skin may not take on this friendly treatment as you would like as it needs a few tries to adjust to it. But keep on with it and your skin will eventually reap the benefits of OCM.

It took me a year to adopt this method and I wish I hadn't wasted so much time and hope you don't as well. Please give it a try and let me know how it went.



  1. Yeah i use the OCM method too mostly as my makeup removal. So much better than all these commercial cleansers. #DIYJunkie LOL.

    1. I agree with you, plus it's cheaper and with guaranteed results!


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