Wednesday, September 11, 2013

6 reasons I can't afford a hairstylist on BGLH

ignore the change of title :)

I'm actually a little bit late on this knowing that this article was reposted 9days ago! If you are on my facebook fan page, then you already kno about this article. But if you aren't yet, I'd like to invite you to be a part of the community on facebook and then head over to read the article.

The article generated A LOT of buzz on the website where many of the readers actually reasoned with me and also expressed their disappointments with hairstylists they've visited in the past.

Please note that this isn't an anti-hairstylist piece, it's only written to bring attention to the lack of Black hair education amongst hairstylists and the frustrations many of their clients continue to face. This is a great article for hairstylists and hairstylist enthusiasts as you could learn a thing or two from it.

So, why don't you head over to BGLH to add in your own thoughts or better yet, just go back to the original article on here to chime in.

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