Thursday, September 12, 2013

HRC style 2: Flat twists (patewo+shuku+twists)

HRC 2, Style 2
Keeping in line with HRC2, I decided to wear these 3 hairstyles all at once for the 2nd out of the 6 styles I plan to wear during this challenge. My initial plan was to actually wear a *shuku (Yoruba language for braided ponytail, pineapple, or bun) after seeing 2 other Naturals online style their hair in this style. See I usually do the typical *patewo (Yoruba langugage for updo) when I flat twist my hair as it's very easy to just plait my hair from left to right and vise versa. But what I've never done before is to plait it upwards starting from the back and working my way forward. Since I like to try new things and learn new skills, I thought this might be a great time to acquire this skill. So, I sat down to see how successful i'd be at mastering the art of flat twisting upward. And I have to say that I was VERY successful!
How to Flat Twists

- I washed, detangled and conditioned my hair with the Moroccan clay, except this time, I only used lukewarm water and a little bit of castor oil. I did this to test the effect of the clay without all the additions. My hair still turned out soft and smooth, but it wasn't as amazing as the first try.
- I applied my Infused Giovanni Direct Leave-in and sealed the ends with my mix shea butter (recipes coming soon).
- I then put my hair into about 8 chunky twists to keep them stretched and I left them in for 2 days because I was lazy and busy.

*Patewo, also day 25 of the 31styles @ 31 places dual challenges
- On the third day, I took out the twists , and divided my hair into four quadrants to begin styling
- I started with the back first because I wanted to see if I could actually style a shuku  
- I then changed my mind by the time I got to the front and I did my regular patewo style with twisted bangs

Post styling
- I plan to spritz it twice a week with my hair softening spritz (minus the conditioner to avoid build up) and I will apply my oil mix on my scalp when necessary
- To prolong the "life expectancy" of the style, I usually wear a silk scarf when i'm in the house, sleeping and getting dressed
- To change up the look, I will use my hair accessories and may be play around with the twisted hair upfront after a week.

How are you styling your hair this week?


  1. Aww! You look so pretty in the first pic plus your hair's really neat! Kudos!


    1. My hair's in kinky twists for the next 2 months. #TransitionerProblems

    2. How long have you been transitioning for?

      Find me on YouTube:

    3. thanks sis! :) have fun with your kinky twists :)

  2. Very pretty and neat. You have skills. You make me laugh with those titles "Patewo and shuku".

    1. lol, gotta educate people on the "traditional" names of the fancy styles we wear. Thanks, your shuku really inspired me to create this

  3. This is such a cute style. I just watched Coily Bella do a cool tutorial on how to do twists going upwards. I have to buckle down and practice. I can braid other people's hair but not excellent in doing mine. My hair will be in chunky twists Monday- Fridays and then I let "her" come out to play on Sunday for church...and then twist up Sunday evening.


    1. I gotta go watch that tutorial, in case I need to add extensions the next time I do it. I saw the twists on fb. They look absolutely splendid!
      I think braiding one's hair comes with practice. My hand use to hurt within 5minutes of styling it, but now it's use to it and i'm getting better at styling my own hair.

  4. OMGosh. This is so neat and creative. The neatness really amazes me.Thumbs up to you.

    1. thanks sis. i'd love to see some of your own "creations" one day ;)

  5. This is such a lovely style on you and it so neatly done.


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