Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Brown Sugar Scrub for Scalp, Face and Body: Basic Recipe

In a post I released last week on "All Natural Remedies for Itchy Scalp", I mentioned that I would write a follow up post with a more detailed instruction for all 4 recipes. So, today, I bring you the Brown Sugar Scrub.

There are many recipes out there which consists of different mixtures and ingredients which are meant to address specific skin issues. But I will be keeping things simple by only giving you the most basic recipe with ingredients which are easily accessible, depending on your place of stay.

Key Ingredients are brown sugar and olive oil
1. Simply combine 2tbsp (tablespoon) of brown sugar with 1tbsp olive oil in a small bowl
2. Mix together with a spoon
3. Apply mixture on the scalp, face, feet and anywhere else, making sure to massage the mixture in a circular motion 

* If applied on  the face, rinse off with warm water and soak a face towel in warm water, cover your face with it to let the steam from the towel go deep into your pores. Then use towel to wipe your face after towel has cooled down. You can repeat this step twice.

* If applied on the scalp, it should be done before you shampoo or co-wash. Rinse mixture out of the hair after you've massaged it in, then proceed to washing your hair.

* If applied on the body, it should be done after you've washed with soap and sponge. Rinse mixture off the body with lukewarm water. Oil left on the skin can be used as a moisturizer.

Results: Skin would feel as smooth as a baby's skin while the scalp would feel cleaner.
Face and body scrub shouldn't be done more than twice a week and scalp scrub shouldn't be done more than once a week.

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