Friday, October 4, 2013

Teaching Our Kids About Natural Hair

DiscoveringNatural and her girls (Big Sis and Lil Sis)
By DiscoveringNatural 

As a mom, who loves everything about natural hair, from the different textures to the way the hair reacts with different products, I want my children to share in the knowledge. It is very important for us to teach our children about natural hair. Teaching them will not only help them appreciate their hair, but also empower them on how to care for their hair as they get older.

There are different ways you can teach your child.
  • By Action
There is an old African proverb that says, "When deeds speak, words are meaningless." Children love to watch. When caring for your hair, do you show your child how much you appreciate your hair? Or do they see you being disgruntle about it?
  • By Involving
Let your child be involved in the care of their hair. Don't make their hair care a hands-off process. If they are still too young, you can give them a doll with afro-textured hair to play with.
Child practicing the LOC method of moisturizing

  • By Loving
Ask your child, "What do you love about your natural hair?". You will be surprise what the answer will be. Show them how to love their hair. Let the positive overcome the negative aspect.

Last words.....


  1. involving a child is very important, they not only learn, but they can also show their peers and teach them how to care for their hair. `teach a child in the way she should go, so when she grows, she won`t depart from it`` -
    I agree parents have to use ONLY positive words to describe their kids hair. I like the picture in the end.

  2. awww this is lovely!! I want my girlssss!!!


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