Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall Hairstyle Challenge | 7 Frostyles in 7 days: Day 1, Braidout Fro

In preparation of the meet up coming up this Saturday, I decided that I would style my hair in 7 styles that are appropriate for the fall season. So below is day 1 hair.
Day 1 of 7 Fall hairstyles
Style Prep
I drenched my hair with a mixture of Tresemme Naturals (coconut & jojoba) and aloe vera juice (AVJ) a few hours before heading out. To keep my hair stretched while it air dries, I plaited it in 7 chunky braids.  After two hours, I took down the braids and left my hair in an afro, as opposed to wearing it in a pinned style which I had initially planned for. I purposely did this to see how my hair would handle the wind chills in this tough Canadian weather.

Style Results
My hair faired well, it felt soft and moisturized all day! Though I think using Tresemme wash outconditioner as a leave-in made my hair feel wiry and tough when it was time to wash it out! So I have decided to NOT use this product as a leave-in again!


  1. In the past, when I used the Tresemme as a leave in, it left my hair feeling the same way, that is why I never use rinse out condish as leave in.

    1. I've never had much success with leaving a wash out conditioner in my hair as a leave-in. I guess my hair isn't "tough" enough to take something that strong. My hair have never felt that "strange", not worth it at all. You know Jc of Natural Haven uses the same product as a leave in. I have to ask her how she uses it. May be I should have diluted it with way more liquid to reduce the potency of the conditioner.

  2. beautiful hair and styles.. cannot wait to get to your length !



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