Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Hair 9: Assorted Curls with Curlformers and Rollers

2 hair tools, 4 sizes. took about 2hrs to install.
I got distracted by Yoruba (Nigerian) movies :)
As I like to experiment and try out different things, I wanted to see how my hair would look like if I used all my rollers which were two different sizes and my curlformers which were also two different lengths. Since I wanted to keep the front side looking uniform, I used mostly the short curlformers and the longer ones on the side. And for the back, I used all four styling tools. So the end result was business at the front, party at the back. 
The reason why I used all these different hair tools is because I don't have enough to cover my whole head. Also, I like buying hair tools in small quantities to try on small sections (front part) of my hair before investing the extra money to buy enough to cover my whole head. Truth is, I haven't invested the extra money to buy enough of each rollers to cover my whole head!

Prestyling: Detangled/Co-Wash/Deep Conditioned with Tresemme Split-end remedy

Styling: Used Giovanni direct leave in, shea butter mix and Live Clean styling cream to moisturize, seal and style my hair. I also used a smaller teeth comb to comb each hair section so that my hair would come out smooth. Then I proceeded to installing the hair tools.
Not sure if you can see the "party" at the back, but it was pretty cool
End results: Hair felt fluffy and was free flowing. Using a gel or any holding cream would have given more hold, but my hair would be so stiff and wouldn't feel as cottony soft.

How did you style your hair this Sunday? Have you tried different hair tools on your hair all at once?

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