Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Hair 8: African Threading Out/Dry Twist out

Sunday Hair
Because my hair has been in African threading over the past two weeks, it got a really good stretch from the style, hence the fuller look. Since I knew ahead of time that the weather on Sunday won't be too cold, I had to "prepare" my hair for Sunday hair. So I took down the African threading style on Friday night, twisted each section on Saturday and took it down on Sunday for a stretched look.
I find that my Fro doesn't shrink up too much when I do a dry out style. I'm also able to get a big fro with a dry twist out as oppose to a wet twist out. 
This would probably be the last time I wear my hair out this year, unless the weather magically warms up.

How did you wear your hair this Sunday or in the weekend?


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