Monday, October 14, 2013

This Week's Smoothies: 4 Green Smoothies

Almost forgot to take pictures there
I tend to make 4 jars of smoothies each week for my breakfast during the week. I usually don't feel like eating anything in the morning, so smoothies are a great substitute for the early morning cereal, toast, eggs and whatever it is that people eat in the morning. Smoothies also help me make up for any nutrients I might not be getting from my meal that day, this way, I won't have to take any multivitamin.
I also find that blending a variety of fruits and vegetables together and having them in one go is much easier and faster than having to eat them in chunks.

The ingredients are pretty much similar for the first 3 jars. I didn't really measure the exact amount of the ingredients used as I feel like you can adjust the measurements to suit your needs.

Jar #1 Recipe

Kale, banana, pear, apple, wheat germ, coconut sugar, almond-coconut milk.

Jar #2 Recipe
Same as #1 but I just added frozen raspberries this time

Jar #3 Recipe
Same as #1 but I added more raspberries and didn't add apples

Jar#4 Recipe
Same as #1 but I added a lot more raspberries, hence the brown color. I guess red+green=brown.


  1. Pretty cool idea. I find that my smoothies only last 2 days. Either the girls drink them or they just don't taste as fresh on day 3. How do you keep them tasting fresh? The only way I can keep them longer is to make smoothie popsicles or ice cubes.

  2. I notice you like frozen stuff. Actually, sometimes the smoothies last me a week because I drink half a jar in the morning. I don't really notice a hanger of taste. Though I sometimes squeeze a lemon or lime wedge in for a tangy taste. you can make them in smaller batches, I just like this way because blenders are too loud.


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